Ms. leaf.
Title devised by cataloger.
Origin: Written in northern Italy in the second half of the fifteenth century.
Bibliographic record created by BPL staff based on description by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis.
Notes (acquisition):
Source of acquisition: Purchased by the BPL from Maggs in 1938.
Notes (citation):
Bond, W.H. Supplement to the Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, p. 210
Notes (object):
Script: Written in a Gothic rotunda in black ink with red rubrics. Square Gregorian notation on a four-line red staff, no stems.
Layout: Single column, five staves. Bounding and writings lines in blind or light plummet.
Decoration: On the verso, three-staff high [D] historiated with Christ calling Andrew and Simon, who are pulling nets full of fish from the water onto their boat. Full border of scrolling acanthus, gold balls, and a prayerful cherub sprouting from a vase; coat of arms in lower margin, unidentified.
Binding: housed in an oversized folder.