'The landing of Mayflower II. Shallop crew from Plymouth, MA. After weeks of training, my father along with friends and six of his family members rowed out to meet the Mayflower II when she sailed from Plymouth, England and arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Many of the crew members of Mayflower II were welcomed into the homes of this crew and other families in town. My family hosted Richard Brennen. I was twelve years old when Plymouth celebrated the landing of Mayflower II. I was on the porch of the Plymouth Yacht Club (Water Street) watching as the spars of the ship progressed along the eastern side of Long Beach. While this was occuring, I answered a call on the pay telephone and handed it over to my mother (Mary Phyllis Fry) to talk to a Boston radio station that was broadcasting live wanting an eyewitness account of the progress of the ship. As Mayflower II came in to the harbor, my cousins and I got into a skiff with an outboard engine and greeted the Mayflower II with the rest of the fleet that had gathered in the harbor. There was a temporary dock built off Plymouth Rock for the ceremonial events. Pictured, from back to front, left to right: Benjamin Brewster, Lothrop Withington, Jr., Paul Withington, William Stearns, Jr., United States Vice President Richard Nixon, George Davis, Russell Fry, Jr., Russell Coffin, Robert Briggs, and Spencer Brewster. Location: Plymouth Harbor.'