Item Information
- Title:
- Scrapbook
- Description:
Medium sized scrapbook with a fairly plain black cover, with a spray of ferns and other leaves embossed in black. A banner with the words "scrap book" bisects the cover on the diagonal, from lower left to upper right corners. The paper is green. First few pages include pictures of Arlington buildings, with the year built and price of construction for most of them. There are also several articles about historic Arlington buildings, including a article about the Russell Grocery, on the corner of Water Street and Mass Ave and demolished in 1905; the Bakery Hall, also known as Menotomy Hall, which served as a church building, school, and sports club at various time, and was located at the site of Robbins Memorial Town Hall; the Blake House at Wyman Terrace; the Robbins House at the site of the public library. Near the beginning of the book are several documents about the baptist church, includings articles about the fire in 1900, the dedication of new building, and the celebration of quarter centennial of Rev. Charles H. Watson. There is also a copy of a program from 1858. There are also several articles about the Unitarian Church. There are also several articles about the construction and dedication of the Robbins Memorial Town Hall, the library, and the park inbetween, include the programs from the dedication ceremonies. There are also some programs from events associated with the Arlington centennial. There is a article about the tenth anniversary of the historical society, an invitation about the dedication of the Russell House, and a program from a concert given by the Historical Society in 1928. There are several articles about Arlington history, including a paper read by Susanna Adams Winn about her childhood in Arlington in the mid 1800s, detailing the buildings as they were then. There are also two articles with accounts of the fighting on April 19, 1775. In the second half of the book are a large number of obituaries of prominent Arlington residents. There are two articles about the death and funeral of Joseph Walter Zwinge, who was the first Arlington resident killed during World War I. Also contains some articles about local weddings. Most of the documents date from ~1890 through 1930, but some of the obituaries date from a much earlier and later date, with the earliest from 1874 and the latest from 1973. Documents appear to be organized by subject, not date. Paper and binding are in good condition. ~100 pages.
- Date:
- Format:
- Genre:
- Location:
- Arlington Historical Society
- Collection (local):
Arlington Historical Society Collection
- Subjects:
Baptist churches
Building construction
Building dedications
Centennial celebrations
Church dedications
Historic buildings
Historical societies
Marching bands
Unitarian Universalist churches
Blake, Ebenezer Nelson
Brackett, John Quincy Adams
Bushnell, Samuel Clarke
Dupee, Elias Augustus
Dupee, Lyman S.
Dupee, Theodore Dorr
Durgin, Winfield S.
Fowle, Frederick
Gott, Charles**
Hartwell, Charles F.
Hodgdon, Richard Lord
Keenan, James G.
Masseck, Frank Lincoln
McCall, Samuel
Muller, William A.
Newton, Elizabeth
Parker, Charles Symmes
Parmenter, William E.
Peirce, Arthur Winslow
Peirce, Harriet L.
Peirce, Marietta
Peirce, Solomon
Pierce, Marian
Robbins, Caira (1866-1938)
Robbins, Ida Frances (1861-1949)
Robbins, Winfield
Russell, Abbie*
Trowbridge, John Townsend
Waterman, Nixon
Watson, Rev. Charles H.
Wellington, Annette Stanwood
Wellington, George Yates
Fessenden, Almira Tufts
Winn, Amy Josephine
Winn, Susanna Adams
Winn, William Newcomb
Zwinge, Joseph
86 Pleasant Street
April 19, 1775
Arlington High School
Arlington Historical Society
Bakery Hall
Blake House
Cooper Tavern site
First Baptist Church
First Universalist Church
Pleasant Street
Robbins House
Robbins Library
Robbins Library Garden
Robbins Memorial Town Hall
Russell House
Russell Store
Spy Pond
Timothy Wellington House
Unitarian Universalist Church
Wellington House
Winn House
World War
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