Jackson's domestic platform
Item Information
- Title:
- Jackson's domestic platform
- Description:
Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has released position papers detailing his stance on domestic issues. Vaillancourt reviews Jackson's positions on the economy, trade, employment, social programs, defense spending, and taxes. Interview with labor union leader Domenic Bozzotto and Harvard professor Roger Porter about Jackson's positions on the issues. Bozzotto defends Jackson's platform while Porter criticizes it. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson would support his social programs through cuts in defense spending and increased taxes on wealthy Americans. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's position as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination challenges other candidates to defend their positions on the issues. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Farmer speaks at a ceremony in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1:00:07: Visual: C-Span footage of Jesse Jackson (US Democratic Presidential Candidate) addressing the Democratic Convention in 1984. The audience cheers for Jackson. Footage of Jackson quoting poetry to a reporter. On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on the economy. On-screen text reads, "Invest pensions in America." Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has a stack of position papers on economic issues. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson advocates the investment of pension funds in federally-guaranteed securities; that Jackson would use the capital to fund public housing, roads, and other public works projects; that the investment of 10% of US pensions would yield $60 billion for projects. V: Shot of Jackson talking about his positions at a forum; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Domenic Bozzotto (President, Hotel Workers Union) that he likes Jackson' s idea of putting pension money to work for social good; that Jackson's plan also gives a fair return on the investment. Footage of Roger Porter (Harvard University) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Porter says that Jackson's plan calls for government guarantees on pension investments; that the government could end up paying the difference on a poor investment. Vaillancourt says that trade issues are another important issue in the election. V: On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on trade issues. On-screen text reads, "Adopt 'corporate code of conduct'." Footage of Jackson saying that General Electric is the number one exporter from Taiwan. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that cheap overseas labor is the main cause of the US trade deficit. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would abolish tax incentives for US companies abroad; that Jackson would insist that America's trading partners pay the same wages as those earned by US workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with union workers. Footage of Bozzotto saying that "slave wages" paid to workers abroad will undercut organized labor in the US. Footage of Porter saying that the US cannot impose these policies on its trading partners. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is a populist on employment issues. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on employment. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports an increase in the minimum wage; that Jackson supports the passage of a worker bill of rights; that Jackson supports the plant closing law; that Jackson supports comparable pay for jobs of comparable worth. V: Footage of Jackson addressing supporters. On-screen visuals detail Jackson's positions on social programs. Vaillancourt talks about Jackson's position on social programs. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports universal day care and national health care; that Jackson would double spending on education; that Jackson would focus on combatting drugs. V: Footage of Porter saying that the government cannot support the increase in spending required by Jackson's social programs. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson's programs would get the average person involved in the economy. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that social programs can be paid for through cuts in the defense budget. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on defense issues. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would eliminate the MX, the Midgetman and the Trident missiles; that Jackson would eliminate the F-15 fighter plane, the stealth bomber, and the Strategic Defense Initiative. V: Footage of Bozzotto saying that there is "fat" to be cut out of the defense budget. Footage of Porter saying that Jackson is misguided in thinking that cuts in the defense budget will yield great savings. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is the only current Democratic candidate who has talked about taxes. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "Reaganomics" exempted some people from paying taxes. On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on taxes. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would increase the corporate tax rate to 46%; that Jackson would raise the tax rate to 38.5% for residents with incomes above $100,000; that Jackson would impose an oil import fee. V: Footage of Porter saying that Jackson's tax policy would rob the private sector of money for productive investment. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson is not afraid of the American people; that Jackson is not afraid to advocate change. Vaillancourt reports that the media and the public are now paying attention to Jackson's positions on the issues; that Jackson's position as a frontrunner challenges other candidates to defend their own positions.
- Date:
April 4, 1988
- Format:
- Genre:
- Location:
- Collection (local):
Ten O'Clock News
- Subjects:
Presidents--United States--Election--1988
African American politicians
Political campaigns
United States--Economic policy
International trade
- Link to Item:
- http://bostonlocaltv.org/catalog/V_HMXANBDGLWULURQ
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- Publisher:
Ten O'Clock News