'This is an aerial shot of the end of Doane Road. Pictured are from left to right, the Bacon house and privy (on far left of photo), The Bartlett House, Dr. Fish's House, the old Coast Guard Station (to the right margin). Next to Dr. Fish's house is the breach's buoy practice armature used for firing a projectile from Lyle gun with rope attached--to practice shooting same into ship rigging. Rope becomes passage route for breach's buoy. Breach's buoy was built like a pair of legless pants to carry an individual out of the rigging during the rescue of a floundering ship. Cranberry bog in right forefront. Bacon house is now gone, Bartlett house has been moved to lower left corner. Fish house now at corner of Cable and Nauset Roads. Coast Guard Station gone (replaced with current station, off picture to the right). One third of land has eroded back to north. South section of Doane Road. Ocean View Drive (not in picture) leave Doane Road at curve, headed north.'
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