'This photo [of Edward and Joseph Kearns] was taken outside the leather factory purchased by their brother, Charles P. Kerans. Family related that my maternal grandfather, Joseph M. Kerans, and his brothers Charles and Edward were born in Montreal along with one sister, Katherine. After the death of their father, the siblings and their mother came to the U.S. at different times between 1872 and 1879. Before I joined the volunteers on the Forester project, I sent in my request for the records of the three brothers and their mother, Rosetta. Each of the brothers reported on their applications for the Foresters that they had a brother who died of epilepsy between the ages of 14 and 16 in Montreal and two sisters who died as infants, also in Montreal. It took me two years, but I did find each of them: James, Rosetta and Mary Jane. Had it not been for the Forester's records, I would never have known about these children. My grandfather Joseph was, of course, the one I was most interested in. I learned he smoked moderately, did not use stimulants or ride a bicycle, that he was 5 feet, 8 inches and weighed 185 pounds. He had 14 children and was a currier in the leather factory. He had some marks on his face due to small pox. He also had rheumatic fever in 1902, but supposedly had no lasting problems from it. He died of nephritis with a complication of valvular disease of the heart in 1914. My mother was only 11 years old when he died and her mother died three years later, so she did not even know this information! Thanks to the saving of these records, I have in my possession my grandfather's signature on the application, my grandmother's signature on the check, and that of his brother-in-law, Henry Warren, who sponsored him for acceptance into the Foresters. I am very grateful to the TIARA group for saving these insurance records. I was so glad to find my grandfather's record that I joined the group and helped to continue the safe keeping of these priceless policies.'
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