Continuing his weekly lecture series for the Center for Jewish Eduction, Sarna discusses in this lecture certain prophiecies called "Prophecies concerning the nation." He references Numbers, Chapter 24 verse 18 and prophecies not related to the nation of Israel. The longest books that focus on prophecies - Issiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel - each book contains sections about these prophecies concerning nations. Throughout the lecture, Sarna points out the difference between the nations of Judah and Israel after the reign of Solomon. Prof. Sarna further raises the point of a universality of social and moral sins based on a universal law by examining Noah and the flood, Sodom and Gomorah, and Jonah in Nineveh. This leads to the discussion of topology of numbers and the importance of treaties in biblical times. Sarna further brings up the issues around conflict between ancient Syria and Judah/Israel with a focus on controlling the northan Arabian desert - Sarna calls this the "arteries of communication." The conflict was over control of trade and caravan routes. The lecture also looks a morality, ethics, and the concept of sins amongst various nations.
The audio is distored at times. It contains static and a high amount of hiss throughout the recording. The recording includes audience noises such as cross talking and movement.