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  <mods:titleInfo displayLabel='primary_display' usage='primary'>
    <mods:title>Opening Lecture Slide (Blue)</mods:title>
    <mods:namePart>Hawkes, Joseph</mods:namePart>
      <mods:roleTerm authority='marcrelator' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators' type='text' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/cre'>Creator</mods:roleTerm>
  <mods:typeOfResource>Still image</mods:typeOfResource>
  <mods:genre authority='gmgpc' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials' displayLabel='general' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm007721'>Photographs</mods:genre>
    <mods:publisher>Springfield College</mods:publisher>
    <mods:dateCreated encoding='w3cdtf' keyDate='yes' point='start' qualifier='questionable'>1910</mods:dateCreated>
    <mods:dateCreated encoding='w3cdtf' keyDate='yes' point='end' qualifier='questionable'>1930</mods:dateCreated>
    <mods:languageTerm authority='iso639-2b' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2' type='text' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng'>English</mods:languageTerm>
    <mods:extent>3.25x3.25 in</mods:extent>
  <mods:abstract>This lantern slide, "Opening Lecture Slide (Blue)," shows one of the two cover slides created for a presentation by the Foreign Division of the American and Canadian Y.M.C.A. The only difference between this and “Opening Lecture Slide (Pink)” is the color of the text. In blue text on a black background, the slide reads, “Lecture Prepared and Issued by the Foreign Division Y.M.C.A’s United States and Canada.” The presentation would have been shown alongside a lecture meant to showcase their work abroad.</mods:abstract>
  <mods:note>In 1889, the Y.M.C.A. International Committee sent a young American named David McConaughy to Madras to serve as the first foreign secretary in India. McConaughy encouraged the development of pre-existing Associations and held the first National Convention in 1891, which resulted in the formation of the National Council of India, Burma, and Ceylon. The Association’s most notable contribution in India was its rural development work, first begun by K. T. Paul in 1913. Paul established microloan programs that freed the rural poor from the grips of moneylenders and won many converts among India's lower classes. Joseph Hawkes, the slide’s creator, spent much of his life producing and coloring lantern slides from his home in New York. This slide is part of Springfield College’s lantern slide series depicting Y.M.C.A. work in India, Ceylon, and Burma in the early twentieth century. The series was prepared by the Foreign Division of the American and Canadian Y.M.C.A, which established self-sustaining associations staffed by trained secretaries in foreign lands.</mods:note>
  <mods:note>Text on border reads, "Lecture prepared by --; Made by Joseph Hawkes New York City."</mods:note>
  <mods:note>Part of the Y.M.C.A. Work in India and Sri Lanka Lantern Slide Series</mods:note>
    <mods:topic>International Young Men's Christian Association</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Lantern slides</mods:topic>
  <mods:relatedItem type='host'>
      <mods:title>College Archives Digital Collections</mods:title>
  <mods:relatedItem type='series'>
      <mods:title>Lantern Slide Collection</mods:title>
  <mods:identifier type='local-other'>LS-08-05</mods:identifier>
  <mods:identifier type='uri'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/3155</mods:identifier>
    <mods:physicalLocation>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:physicalLocation>
    <mods:url access='object in context' usage='primary'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/3155</mods:url>
    <mods:url access='preview'>https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/736664720/thumbnail</mods:url>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='license' type='use and reproduction'>Contact host institution for more information.</mods:accessCondition>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='rights' type='use and reproduction'>Text and images are owned, held, or licensed by Springfield College and are available for personal, non-commercial, and educational use, provided that ownership is properly cited. A credit line is required and should read: Courtesy of Springfield College, Babson Library, Archives and Special Collections. Any commercial use without written permission from Springfield College is strictly prohibited. Other individuals or entities other than, and in addition to, Springfield College may also own copyrights and other propriety rights. The publishing, exhibiting, or broadcasting party assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of United States copyright law.</mods:accessCondition>
    <mods:recordContentSource>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:recordContentSource>
    <mods:recordOrigin>OAI-PMH request</mods:recordOrigin>