Title on cover: Le Livre de fortune; With facsimile reproduction of manuscript title: Liber: Fortunae centu emblemata ... Lutetiae ... 1568; Of the text (by Imbert d'Anlezy) the editor has omitted the Latin quatrains, distichs, citations and sentences. The explanations in French (prefixed to the plates) have been translated into English; Includes bibliographical references; CAI copy is number 27 of 200
Proffessor Held's annotations found on the following pages: http://cdm16245.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16245coll5/id/104868 ; http://cdm16245.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16245coll5/id/104896 ;
Electronic reproduction of (manifestation): Lalanne, Ludovic, 1815-1898. -- The book of fortune : two hundred unpublished drawings / by Jean Cousin, reproduced from the original manuscript in the library of the Institute of France, with introduction and notes by Ludovic Lalanne ; translated by H. Mainwaring Dunstan -- Paris ; London : Librairie de l'art, 1883 -- 38, [2] p., 200 leaves of plates : ill. ; 33 cm -- Call number of original: ND553 C621.3 L34 E
Bibliothèque internationale de l'art