Edited by M. Z. Boxhorn, to whom the dedication is addressed. Cf. Willems; The Elzeviers published 4 distinct editions under this date. The first has [24] prelim. page and [38] page at end the 3 reimpressions each have [16] prelim. page and [34] page at end. On page 216 the first and second reimpressions have a Medusa tailpiece (Rahir 58); in the third the Medusa has been replaced by a typographical ornament (Rahir 57). The first and second reimpressions are distinguished by the running title at head of the last page of the index: the first has Index rerum memorabilium; the second has Index rer.memorab.; This issue is the first, or original edition. Cf. Willems; llustrated, engraved title page signed: Cor. Cl. Duysent; Headpieces; tailpiece; initial; Woodcut portrait of the author on the verso of the twelfth leaf; Title page verso and page [34] at end blank; Error in paging: no. 245 misprinted 145; Copinger, H.B. Elzevier Press, 4051; Willems, A. Elzevier, 412; Berghman, G. Impressions Elzeviriennes, 2124; Rahir, E. Les Elzevier, 399; Includes index; Armorial bookplate pasted on first leaf verso: The honourable Charles Hope Weir of Craigie Hall & Blackwood; on flyleaf, signature of E. Gordon Duff, Edinburgh, Jan. 1919; Bound in contemporary vellum with linen ties
With this is bound: Q. Cvrtii Rvfi, Historiarum libri (Leyden, 1633)
Electronic reproduction of (manifestation): Sallust, 86-34 B.C. -- C. Sallustius Crispus, : cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. -- Lugduni Batavorum, : Ex officina Elzeviriana, Anno 1634. -- [24], 310, [38] p. : port. 13 cm. (12mo). -- Call number of original: NE670 E47s 1634