A photograph of MacLean Terrace, located in the back or lake side of Springfield College's Alumni Hall. The photograph shows a student laying on their back under a tree.
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Springfield College
MacLean Terrace is named for Mrs. Charles F. MacLean for the many services she rendered for the board, including the donation of $10,000 given at a critical juncture of the campaign to build the hall and fund the college. Over the years many functions have been held on the terrace, including Stepping Up Day. On September 22, 1926 the cornerstone of the International YMCA College's (now Springfield College) new men’s dormitory, Alumni Hall, was laid. Just one year after the cornerstone was laid, Alumni Hall was completed. The building, though, was not formally dedicated until June 15, 1930 when all the funds for the building were officially received. In October of 1944, Alumni Hall, in conjunction with the Administration building, was used as a U.S. Navy Convalescent Hospital. The majority of the patients were housed in Alumni Hall, with one wing equipped for bed cases and the rest converted into hospital rooms for 2-4 men. Today, with the exception of necessary renovations, Alumni Hall remains largely unchanged.